Final Project! (30% of your final grade apparently)

Due on the last day of finals at 11:32 pm because that only makes sense. Good luck! Have fun! Happy Holidays! Happy New Year! Have a great life if I never see you again! :)

Final Project Objective

Very bluntly put here, just show me you can come up with an assignment yourself basically. Choose one of these papers or a paper of your own choosing and replicate a figure or multiple figures (if you're trying to work in groups -- undergrads are allowed to do so without multiple figures). Within the replication and writeup I just want to see that you can implement the math covered in class in code or a different analytical technique and replicate a figure with whatever data you'd like! Describe the data like each assignment does for you. Describe your methods and explain the math briefly in a writeup. Does not have to be formal (b/c let's be honest I don't want to read a lot or grade...). Finally, show the replicated figure and describe what I'm looking at and why it's cool. Overall, simply have you mastered the one of the objectives in the syllabus in the class and can you show me that?

Please note that I had a chat with the previous instructor of this course about the final project and have come to the conclusion that the requirements were very arbitrary in my opinion. He seemed to value originality of dataset moreso than implementation of the paper. When I took this class I implemented the Santhanam et al. 2009 Factor Analysis paper and the most relevant figure on that and the feedback I received was more was expected even though I explained everything I did including the Bayesian Decoding from HW3 in this year's rendition and implementing Factor Analysis that was discussed in that paper. On the otherhand, running K-Means clustering and GMMs on fantasy football players to identify best players to start as flex starters was enough even though the code didn't have to be implemented?¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As a result of ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, my overall expectation for things are simply what is listed above in the previous paragraph. This may come off as vague and potentially simplistic but it is not necessarily meant to be difficult. The final problem in HW4 is a paper that's listed on here (so obviously don't use that or do that b/c it's been done) and that is apparently enough for a final project in this class. If that's not clear please reach out to me.

Lastly, as mentioned in class, please email me or discuss a project abstract with me by Thanksgiving! Doesn't have to be anything formal! Thanks!

Point Processes



Dimensionality Reduction

Continuous Decoding

Hidden Markov Models

This is a matrix of raw data recorded from a tetrode (a four channel electrode) in the hippocampus of a long evans rat --- he was a good boy. The sampling rate is 30 kHz, and the data are simultaneous voltage signals (in $\mu$V) from each channel. I (Dr. Kemere) considered having you do the spike extraction for this data --- this involves the steps we (Shay & students in 483/548) discussed in class (1) filtering out LFP into spike band (600 Hz 2 pole highpass and 2 pole 6 kHz low pass) and (2) finding instances where one of the channels crosses a threshold. For the sake of time, I, Dr. Caleb Tilo Kemere, decided to do this for you. Additoinally, for the sake of understanding, I, Shayok "Shay" Dutta, BS, MS, decided to explore the data for you and provided it within a shared notebook provided in a link shared before. Each snippet is 40 sampples long, and the threshold crossing happens between the 10th and 11th samples in this data. I, Dr. Kemere, chose a value of 60 $\mu$V for the threshold which Shay reverse discovers in the shared notebook because he chose to jump into exploring the data without reading the instructions (cuz like let's be real who actually would read instructions as opposed to hopping in?).
I hope you're happy for me correcting this :P! I'm typing this up in the joint Kemere-Ji lab journal club while sitting right next ot you. You're also working on other stuff so I don't feel as bad for not paying attention but like let's be's already 30 minutes overtime and there's one person who's sleeping right now. She just woke up lol. Back to dozing off with her hand on her chin acting like she's paying attention lol. I'd be asleep if I wasn't working on other things as well so it is what it is. Are you biting your lappy? Ah good now you're giving it a hug. Your macbook is happy again.